
Private construction law

Clients (developers, businesses, individuals), (sub)contractors, suppliers, purchasers, co-ownership associations, etc. who are involved in private construction projects, can come to us for assistance in disputes and advice on contracts.

Some examples of what we can do for you:

Disputes: prevention and assistance in proceedings

Markato-Law staat haar cliënten bij wanneer geschillen ontstaan of dreigen in alle fases van het bouwproces (studie, uitvoering, vóór de voorlopige oplevering, tijdens de waarborgperiode, na de definitieve oplevering, …). De geschillen kunnen gaan over uiteenlopende onderwerpen, bijvoorbeeld:

  • unforeseen execution difficulties;
  • liability for foreseeable and hidden defects, 10-year liability;
  • events that affect the execution period;
  • payment for works carried out;
  • insurance disputes in the event of damage: All Risks Construction Site, Third Party Liability Operations, Third Party Liability post-delivery,...
  • etc.

In private construction projects, all parties involved have an interest in well-drafted contracts. Get us to draft your contract, review your draft contract or engage us in difficult contract negotiations. For example:


  • (sub)contracting contracts;
  • architectural contracts;
  • cooperation contracts;
  • building team contracts;
  • engineering technique contracts, stability;
  • sale of materials contracts;
Get us involved as soon as a dispute arises.

We will look for ways to avoid the dispute. If the dispute is unavoidable, we help you to build a case and defend your interests before the courts or in alternative proceedings. We are also at your side in the search for an amicable settlement through mediation, conciliation at court and direct negotiation with the other party.